Tkinter with mysql

  • Install MySql Connector

To establish a connection with the MySQL database, we’ll need to install the MySQL connector package for python.

Use the command “pip install mysql-connector-python” to install the MySQL connector package.

  • Install Tkinter

We will use Tkinter to create a GUI-based window application in python.

and install xampp and  run it and open any browser and type localhost/phpmyadmin 

and  create database mydb and create table person with id,name, phone columns. as shown below.

now we write code for above application using tkinter and mysql file code :-


from tkinter import *

import tkinter.messagebox as MessageBox
import mysql.connector as mysql
# Thank you for watching !
# Create Tkinter window
root = Tk()
root.title("MySQL CRUD Operations")

# Insert function
def Insert():
   id = id_entry.get()
   name = name_entry.get()
   phone = phone_entry.get()
   if(id == "" or name == "" or phone == ""):
       MessageBox.showinfo("ALERT", "Please enter all fields")
       con = mysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="mydb")
       cursor = con.cursor()
       cursor.execute("insert into Person values('" + id +"', '"+ name +"', '" + phone +"')")
       MessageBox.showinfo("Status", "Successfully Inserted")

def Update():
   id = id_entry.get()
   name = name_entry.get()
   phone = phone_entry.get()
   if(name == "" or phone == ""):
       MessageBox.showinfo("ALERT", "Please enter fiels you want to update!")
       con = mysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="mydb")
       cursor = con.cursor()
       cursor.execute("update Person set name = '"+ name +"', phone='"+ phone +"' where id ='"+ id +"'")
       MessageBox.showinfo("Status", "Successfully Updated")

def Del():
   if(id_entry.get() == ""):
       MessageBox.showinfo("ALERT", "Please enter ID to delete row")
       con = mysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="mydb")
       cursor = con.cursor()
       cursor.execute("delete from Person where id='"+ id_entry.get() +"'")
       id_entry.delete(0, 'end')
       name_entry.delete(0, 'end')
       phone_entry.delete(0, 'end')
       MessageBox.showinfo("Status", "Successfully Deleted")

def Select():
   if(id_entry.get() == ""):
       MessageBox.showinfo("ALERT","ID is required to select row!")
       con = mysql.connect(host="localhost", user="root", password="", database="mydb")
       cursor = con.cursor()
       cursor.execute("select * from Person where id= '" + id_entry.get() +"'")
       rows = cursor.fetchall()
       for row in rows:
           name_entry.insert(0, row[1])
           phone_entry.insert(0, row[2])

id = Label(root, text="Enter ID:", font=("verdana 15")), y=30)
id_entry = Entry(root, font=("verdana 15")), y=30)
name = Label(root, text="Name:", font=("verdana 15")), y=80)
name_entry = Entry(root, font=("verdana 15")), y=80)
phone = Label(root, text="Phone:", font=("verdana 15")), y=130)
phone_entry= Entry(root, font=("verdana 15")), y=130)
btnInsert = Button(root, text="Insert", command=Insert, font=("verdana 15")).place(x=100, y=190)
btnDelete = Button(root, text="Delete", command=Del, font=("verdana 15")).place(x=200, y=190)
btnUpdate = Button(root, text="Update", command=Update, font=("verdana 15")).place(x=320, y=190)
btnSelect= Button(root, text="Select", command=Select, font=("verdana 15")).place(x=200, y=240)
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