Display data from django

Open command prompt in windows 

then in command prompt  type    d:  

and press enter .

and use following commands 

To create folder  myap -execute the following command:

D:\> mkdir myap

To  go  myap folder path -execute the following command:

D:\>cd myap 

To create a virtual environment for your project, open a new command prompt, navigate to the myap  folder where you want to create your project and then execute the following command:-

D:\myap>python -m venv env

In the command prompt, ensure your virtual environment is active, and execute the following command:


execute the following command to install django.

D:myap>pip install django

run the following command - This will create a myproject  directory in your current directory

D:\myap>django-admin startproject  myproject

then go to myproject folder path type following command :-

D:\myap>cd myproejct

To create your app, make sure you’re in the your project  directory &  type this command:

D:\myap\myproejct>python manage.py  startapp hello 

That’ll create a directory hello app folder inside my_project folder:

after it open your myap folder inside it you will see my_project folder 

and inside my_project folder you will see following structure:-


D:\mywork\myproejct>python manage.py runserver.

Now coding steps to display record from database tables.

Step 1:-

Write code for models.py file:-

from django.db import models

# Create your models here.

class ContactForm(models.Model):

    fullname= models.CharField(max_length=100)

    email= models.EmailField()

    contact= models.CharField(max_length=50)

    message= models.CharField(max_length=200)

write code for admin.py file code.

from django.contrib import admin

from .models import contactEnquiry,ContactForm,editupdaterecord

# Register your models here.




Now run command  :-

py manage.py  makemigrations

py manage.py migrate

write   code for views.py file :-

from django.shortcuts import render

from  hello.models  import ContactForm,contactEnquiry

from  hello.forms import FormContactForm

from django.http import HttpResponse

def home(request):




 return render(request,"home.html",data)

write  code for home.html file :-



        {% load static %}

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="{% static 'ok.css' %}"">




        <h1 class="myclass">hello world how are you



            {% for n in serviceData %}




            <span class="{{n.fullname}}"> {{n.fullname}}</span>


            <span class="{{n.email}}">{{n.email}} </span>




            <p> {{n.contact}} </p>


          {% endfor %}  




Write code for urls.py file code (under hello app):-

from django.urls import path

from .import views





Write code for urls.py file (my_proejct) folder  :-

from django.contrib import admin

from django.urls import path, include




path('admin/', admin.site.urls),


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