To Become a Full Stack Developer you should start learning
Front-End Development With Html , Css, Javascript, Bootstrap, Jquery.
after it Start Python and Learn Django Python framework which is best framework for rapid development.
Syllabus for HTML Training :
The World Wide Web (WWW) and history of HTML
• Hypertext and Hypertext Markup Language
• Why HTML
• Prerequisites
• Objective of this HTML course
HTML Documents:
1. Dividing the document into 2 parts:
✔ Headers tags ✔ Body tags
2. Paragraphs
3. Formatting
4. Elements of an HTML Document :
✔ Text Elements ✔ Tag Elements
5. Special Character elements
6. Image tags
7. HTML Table tags
8. Lists
✔ Numbered list ✔ Non-Numbered lists ✔ Definition lists
9. Anchor tag, Name tag etc.
10. Hyperlinks - FTP/HTTP/HTTPS 11. Links with images and buttons
12. Links to send email messages
13. Text fonts and styles
14. background colors/images
15. Marquee Behavior
16. Forms related tags (action, method, name, input, submit etc)
HTML Media Tags :
1. Inserting audio files
2. Inserting video files
3. Screen control attributes
4. Media control attributes
5. HTML Object
Syllabus for CSS Training :
CSS Introduction
What is CSS?
CSS Syntax
Css syntax & Css selectors
CSS How To Insert
- External style sheet
- Internal style sheet
- Inline style
CSS Backgrounds
CSS background properties:
- background-color
- background-image
- background-repeat
- background-attachment
- background-position
CSS Borders
Border Properties
CSS Margins
CSS Margin Properties
CSS Padding
CSS Padding Properties
CSS Height/Width
CSS dimension properties
CSS Text
- Text Color
- Text Alignment
- Text Decoration
- Text Transformation
- Text Indentation
- Letter Spacing
- Line Height
- Text Direction
CSS Fonts
CSS font properties define the font family, boldness, size, and the style of a text
CSS Links
a:link - a normal, unvisited link
a:visited - a link the user has visited
a:hover - a link when the user mouse over it
a:active - a link the moment it is clicked
CSS Lists
unordered lists (<ul>) - the list items are marked with bullets
ordered lists (<ol>) - the list items are marked with numbers or letters
CSS Tables
look of an HTML table using Css
CSS Box Model
Content - The content of the box, where text and images appear
Padding - Clears an area around the content. The padding is transparent
Border - A border that goes around the padding and content
Margin - Clears an area outside the border. The margin is transparent
CSS Outline
CSS outline properties
CSS Layout
CSS Max-width, CSS Position, CSS Float, CSS Inline-block, CSS Align
CSS Navigation Bar
CSS Image Gallery
Photo Gallery using CSS
· Introduction to javascript
· Operators & expressions
· Control & loop statement
· Arrays
· Object
· Windows & frames
· Form & form based data
· Event & events handlers
· Cookies
1. Introduction and Installation
2. Syntax
3. jQuery Selectors
4. jQuery Events
5. jQuery Effects
i. jQuery Hide and Show Effect
ii. jQuery Fade Effect
iii. jQuery Slide Effect
iv. jQuery Animate
6. jQuery Callbacks
7. jQuery and HTML
i. jQuery Get
ii. jQuery Set
iii. jQuery Add
iv. jQuery Remove
v. jQuery css
vi. jQuery Width
vii. jQuery Height
8. jQuery and AJAX (Pre-Requisite: ServerEnd Technology like PHP)
i. AJAX Function
9. jQuery UI :
i. Implementing Accordion
ii. Implementing Datepicker
iii. Implementing Slider
iv. Implementing Progessbar
v. Implementing Tabs
To Become Python Web Developer You must know following Things.
Python Programming Syllabus:-
· Python Introduction
· Python Syntax
· Python Comments
· Python Variables
· Python Data Types
· Python Numbers
· Python Casting
· Python Strings
· Python Booleans
· Python Operators
· Python Lists
· Python Tuples
· Python Sets
· Python Dictionaries
· Python If...Else
· Python While Loops
· Python For Loops
· Python Functions
· Python Lambda
· Python Arrays
· Python Classes /Objects
Django Python Frame Work Syllabus:-
· Django Intro
· Django Get Started
· Create Virtual Environment
· Install Django
· Django Create Project
· Django Create App
· Django Views
· Django URLs
· Django Templates
· Django Models
· Django Insert Data
· Django Update Data
· Django Delete Data
· Django CRUD app
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